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                Jinzheng Group was founded in 1997. In the 1990s, it was famous all over China for its DVD players. It was honored to become a leading enterprise in the disc player industry. After 23 years of development, the enterprise has become a brand centered, diversified home appliance enterprise.


                Jinzheng Company has always adhered to the enterprise spirit of "true gold is not afraid of fire", provided high-quality products like real gold for public consumption, and constantly challenged higher and better production techniques and modern management concepts to meet the impact of today's market on traditional industries.


                In addition to stabilizing the existing industry and maintaining its brand, Cashier Group also vigorously aims to invest in and expand industries across regions and industries, hoping to form a new industrial chain in a macro sense, so that the Group can seek development from stability and breakthrough from development.



                1997 years

                Established in 1997

                20000 +

                More than 20000 square meters

                500 +

                More than 500 employees

                100 +

                More than 100 countries around the world

                Business content

                Jinzheng Company is a high-tech enterprise integrating scientific research, production, trade and investment. It was founded on April 2, 1997


                The company now has Guangzhou Jinzheng Audio and Video Equipment Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Jinzheng Kitchen and Toilet Equipment Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Jinzheng Audio and Video Education Technology Co., Ltd., Jinzheng Refrigerator Business Department, Jinzheng Washing Machine, Drinking Machine Business Department, and Jinzheng Repeater Business Department, and has launched 12 series of Jinzheng products, forming an intensive industrial chain of home appliances led by DVD products, which can meet the consumer demand of national home appliances in an all-round way, and the products are sold well all over the world. From 2003 to 2007, the sales volume of disc players ranked among the top three in China for several consecutive years.


                The "Jinzheng" brand has become a Chinese, national and consumer favorite brand. With the continuous innovation and development of the enterprise, "Jinzheng" has become an excellent national brand with high scientific and technological content.



                On April 2, 2007, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the founding of Jinzheng Company, Xu Jialu, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, sent a congratulatory message: It has greatly encouraged Jinzheng Enterprises.



                About us






                Talent development


                Social responsibility


                Zhuhai Jinzheng Technology Co., Ltd


                 Address:Xinqing 6th Road, Xinqing Science and Technology Industrial Park, Doumen District, Zhuhai, Guangdong     






                Address:Xinqing 6th Road, Xinqing Science and Technology Industrial Park, Doumen District, Zhuhai, Guangdong     



                COPYRIGHT © 2022 Zhuhai Jinzheng Technology Co., Ltd.   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 粤ICP备14012667号
