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                Talent concept


                Development philosophy

                African antelope. From the morning when the sun rises, you have to run hard, or you will be eaten by the lion. The lion must run when the sun rises. It must catch up with the slow antelope, or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or an antelope. What matters is that you have to run as fast as you can when the sun rises.


                From the morning when the sun rises, we all have to run ahead.



                Enterprise cultivation

                Three hearts are needed in doing things

                Be modest,  patient, careful

                A man should have four characters

                Self reflection, self adjustment, self motivation, self-control


                Talent concept


                The company has a complete and scientific quality management system. In the spirit of "dare to innovate, be steady and strive for progress", the company boldly introduced, strengthened production management, and strictly controlled the quality. With its stable product quality, fast delivery and price advantages, the company that has been comprehensively transformed stands out in the fierce competitive market and develops steadily. Our company is committed to continuously improving the production process and quality of products, and constantly developing new products to maintain the competitiveness of the market. It is moving forward with time towards the direction of modern enterprises. With the enterprise tenet of "sincerity, pragmatism, high quality and efficiency", we will wholeheartedly serve people from all walks of life.


                The company has a complete and scientific quality management system. In the spirit of "dare to innovate, be steady and strive for progress", the company boldly introduced, strengthened production management, and strictly controlled the quality. With its stable product quality, fast delivery and price advantages, the company that has been comprehensively transformed stands out in the fierce competitive market and develops steadily. Our company is committed to continuously improving the production process and quality of products, and constantly developing new products to maintain the competitiveness of the market. It is moving forward with time towards the direction of modern enterprises. With the enterprise tenet of "sincerity, pragmatism, high quality and efficiency", we will wholeheartedly serve people from all walks of life.


                About us






                Talent development


                Social responsibility


                Zhuhai Jinzheng Technology Co., Ltd


                 Address:Xinqing 6th Road, Xinqing Science and Technology Industrial Park, Doumen District, Zhuhai, Guangdong     






                Address:Xinqing 6th Road, Xinqing Science and Technology Industrial Park, Doumen District, Zhuhai, Guangdong     



                COPYRIGHT © 2022 Zhuhai Jinzheng Technology Co., Ltd.   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 粤ICP备14012667号
