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                Brand definition

                With "Jinzheng" as the brand, it expresses Jinzheng's corporate philosophy.


                "Gold" represents excellent quality and value;


                "Zheng" expresses the behavior principle of the enterprise and Jinzheng people.

                "Gold" is valued and respected, and is the best, which means that it has a noble and perfect corporate image. There is a good way to operate, which is based on "integrity", integrity, correctness and fairness.

                The word "positive" means that the enterprise's thought and behavior are "positive". "True gold is not afraid of fire" has become the symbol of the enterprise and the embodiment of the enterprise culture and core value.

                With the letter "NIN" (NINTAUS) as the modeling structure, it deliberately emphasizes the standardized and rigorous attitude, the enterprise spirit of "dream, trust, innovation" and the noble and perfect enterprise image.

                Reflect its image as an innovator in the digital age who ignites passion, gathers strength, is determined to innovate, has excellent quality and provides high-quality services



                About us






                Talent development


                Social responsibility


                Zhuhai Jinzheng Technology Co., Ltd


                 Address:Xinqing 6th Road, Xinqing Science and Technology Industrial Park, Doumen District, Zhuhai, Guangdong     






                Address:Xinqing 6th Road, Xinqing Science and Technology Industrial Park, Doumen District, Zhuhai, Guangdong     



                COPYRIGHT © 2022 Zhuhai Jinzheng Technology Co., Ltd.   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 粤ICP备14012667号

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